Jr. Bridging Pit Gauge Plus

Western’s Junior Bridging Pit Gauge Plus can be assembled in two ways; Cantilevering and Spanning Configurations.  A Cantilevering assembly places the Dial or Digital Indicator at one end of the Bridge, while the Spanning configuration has the Indicator in the middle of the Bridge.  No matter the assembly mode, the overall length for a standard kit is just over 15 1/2" (394mm).   Occasionally, inspectors need extra reach (Cantilevering), or they want the Bridge to follow the general surface profile of the workpiece (Spanning).  Western Instruments always rises to the customer’s needs by making Pit Gauge Kits to meet their requirements. 

Over the years, Western has supplied several Pipeline Inspectors with extra Bridging Bar components to permit the extension of a Jr. Bridging Pit Gauge to 4’ (915mm), as field Over Bends can be quite irregular and of a low radius, going beyond the ‘lay of the land’.  Furthermore, field benders can cause buckling, on the top side of the bender opposite the Stiff-Back.  This area, toward the inside of the Die, has been referred to as the Buckle Zone.  In this zone, buckling can be as severe as dents, which inspectors are also often required to evaluate with their Jr. Bridging Pit Gauges.