Pocket Pit Gauge
Western Instruments’ Pocket Pit Gauge was introduced over 20 years ago, and has quickly become Western’s most popular Dial indicator Pit Depth Gauge. The Pocket has a versatile Reversible Blade which allows Measurements on Flat surfaces, and compound curvatures with the Spot Configuration. When measuring with the Flat Side of the Blade (38mm / 1½”), the inspector can measure on the longitudinal axis of tube & pipe or a single curvature. The Spot Side of the Blade (12.5mm / ½”) permits measurements on Compound curves like a ball, and more specifically; Pump Scrolls and Impellers, Gas Cylinder Necks and Bases, and Turbine Blades. Zeroing a Pocket Pit Gauge, using the Flat Side of the Blade, is just like any of our standard Dial Indicator Pit Gauges, and is outline is the Operator Instructions. To Zero on a compound curvature the Blade needs to be reversed to the Spot side as illustrated on the right. The Operator then loosens the set screw holding the Dial Indicator, and places the Blade on a similar curvature to the area he needs to inspect. With the Blade sitting on the good curvature, the Dial Indicator’s Contact Point is gently put in contact to the good surface, and the set screw is carefully tightened to clamp the Dial Indicator. The Pocket Pit Gauge can then be used to measure the pit on the complex curvature. If the shape of the surface changes from the original zero, then the Pocket Pit Gauge should be re-zeroed.
Like all of Western Instruments Dial Pit Gauges, the Pocket Pit Gauges are available in 3 models; Metric, Imperial, and Digital. Western supplies the Pocket Pit Gauges as a Kit, and it includes; Wood Case, Pocket Pit Gauge Blade, Dial Indicator (Metric, Imperial, or Digital), Allan Key, extra Contact Point, Manual, and Calibration Certificate. They also make a great addition to a custom Kit!